Monthly Archives: November 2016

Five Easy Ways Schools Can Save Money


During the difficult challenge of finding ways to save money, administrators are looking in all areas to make positive changes without sacrificing the quality of education and services to their students. Rather than sacrificing the quality of the educational experience for students, administrators can look at their administrative processes and procedures to determine where and how they are spending time and money.

1. As many educational technologies advance, schools are now able to take advantage of more solutions to eliminate unnecessary costs. These advances include automating the system of communication between administration and parents, student information system that hold important student information (grades, progress reports, attendance), and online registration systems which, if taken advantage of, can be a benefit to all involved.

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Five Main Advantages of Online School Registration

line-2Who’s setting up the tables? Did I remember to give the supply cabinet key to Mr. Smith to get materials for the signs? Whew, these lines are taking forever. Oh no, is that irate mother headed my way with more complaints? How many days left until summer?

Excessive use of time and materials can make registration a nightmare for public and private schools alike. Even smaller charter and private schools struggle to make registration an efficient process for administrators, teachers, parents, and students. Online registration is a wonderful opportunity for a school district or a charter school to redirect its energy towards the parents and students who need it, while leaving the paperwork aspect of the job in one secure and convenient location.

Five Main Advantages of Online Registration:

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Choosing an Online Registration Software System for Schools?

One-click management

According to Capterra, choosing an online school registration software that considers the needs of students and teachers – not just district administration – is important. All software companies may claim that their product will save you time and money, but it is not as simple as you may think. Your choice should seamlessly convey your schools’ business logic and processes.

First and foremost, online registration would be right for you if you currently process student enrollment and registration manually or with an outdated computer system. Perhaps you would like to expand your institution and enroll more students, or you find that your school administration system is pushed to the limit by relying on manual forms of data management, like printed copies of forms or Excel spreadsheets.

When looking for a school online registration system, make sure you are inclusive with representatives of the student body, parents, and administration. Does the registration process make sense for the parents and is it easy to understand? If there is a registration week for students to bring in required documents, how will the system track that? Are parents able to purchase items through an online Webstore while completing the enrollment forms? Can students enroll or make purchases year-round? Does the online registration system integrate with your current school management software? These are among the many questions that can be asked to determine which online registration system is right for you!

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