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Teaching a Healthy Lifestyle

World Health Day is April 7th! What better way to remind students of the importance of good health than on World Health Day? Practicing a healthy lifestyle from an early age can help lead to a long and productive life.

There are many online tools and lesson plans that raise awareness of the need for good personal hygiene.


You can start with something as simple as proper hand washing.

Hand Washing Lesson Plan
Hand Washing with Soapy
Covering Coughs and Sneezes


A healthy diet focuses on the importance of eating the right foods.
Good for Kids
Nourish Interactive


Exercise encourages students to keep moving.
Fitness Lesson Plans
Teacher Lesson Plan

Brain Pop


For high school age students, you may even incorporate the effects that smoking and drinking have on the body.

Smoking Prevention Resources
Smoking Danger Demonstration
Myths and Facts about Tobacco


It is an ideal opportunity to remind students of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and of the damage that can be caused by harmful activities.

Top 5 Education Trends in 2013

One thing we know about education is that it is subject to trends. This may be positive or negative, but it’s all in an effort to figure out what works best in achieving student engagement and success. Here are some recent trends in the K-12 education system.


1. Social media used as a teaching tool

Social media has gained increasing popularity over the past year or two. All students these days know how to use a computer and the internet, and most of them are using social media networks to share their thoughts and ideas. From student-created YouTube videos to professors creating classroom focused blogs and Facebook pages, both teachers and students will continue to benefit from social media inside the classroom.


2. Game-based learning gaining popularity

Who doesn’t love a good game? Game-based learning (GBL) and simulations exist as a learning tool by helping students visualize processes they otherwise could not see, such as the flow of an electron or the construction of a city. GBL is becoming increasingly popular inside the classroom as they can promote higher-order thinking skills, such as collaboration, communication, problem-solving, and teamwork.


3. The marriage of BYOD and the flipped classroom

With more districts interested in saving money and more teachers interested in saving time, the concepts of flipping your classroom and BYOD (bring your own device) seem to pair up nicely. Because a key requirement to flipping a classroom is access to technology outside of the school, the marriage of the two maximizes the potential of both concepts.


4. Increase in homeschooling

Like charter schools, home schools have enrolled more than 2 million students. The decision by so many parents to remove their children from local schools and teach them at home raises many issues. Scholars say parents are more likely to switch to home-schooling if they see the academic quality of local schools decline or low-income students in those schools increase. Through home-schooling, parents are able to have more control over what their child learns. Although there is little data on home-schooling, it seems to be growing at the same surprising speed and volume as charter schools.


5. Integration of Education companies

More and more, teachers and administrators are trying to streamline processes. From software companies that offer solutions to Common Core preparation and online courses to online registration, SIS systems, managing student data, reporting, etc. schools and districts are experiencing widespread adoption to these types of solutions.

A Disparity in Schools, But Not in GREAT Teachers

In a recent Facebook contest, hosted by K-12 Online, two teachers emerged GREAT as voted on by their students, peers, family and friends. The unlikely paradox is that the winning teachers are from schools of despairing backgrounds.  One of our GREAT teachers is from a high school in Irvine, CA, which is most notably known for being featured as one of the Best Places to Live year-after year and where the median family income is over $107,000 per year[i].  Our other GREAT teacher hails from a Dallas, TX inner-city elementary school where nearly 40% of their population are limited English proficient students and 98% of its student body qualifies for free or reduced lunch, much the contrary from our CA school where only 7% of its students are eligible. [ii]

Although on opposite ends of the spectrum demographically, the missions of these two schools are not as varying.  Both schools strive to provide the highest quality educational experience in an environment that is conducive to learning so that students graduate with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to become productive and responsible members of society.

And as aligned as the missions are, so are the GREAT teachers representing these schools. Here is what others had to say about these GREAT teachers:


LaShocka Thompson, Roger Q. Mills Elementary, Dallas, TX

“LaShocka is truly a phenomenal, dynamic, and wonderful educator…She’s dedicated and devoted to her job and she motivates her students to do their best and lets them know that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE and there is no limit to education…EDUCATION IS FREEDOM!!! She teaches her students various learning strategies to help them understand their assignments, keeps the parents updated on any event or the student’s progress, and makes sure that the students have fun while learning. Additionally, she has been awarded with numerous school awards because of her DEDICATION & HARD WORK in helping the students succeed in their education and goals in life. LaShocka is what I call ‘A TRUE AND DEVOTED TEACHER’ who is on the road to MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN OUR YOUNG STUDENTS’ LIVES.”

“LaShocka is extremely dedicated and adamant in reaching her pupils. She always gives 110 percent and never lets any obstacles stop her in reaching her goals.”

“Hard work and dedication are what schools are lacking and what LaShocka exemplifies day in and day out. Anything that can improve the learning process for her children she is doing it and more. To see how she loves and cares for her children is to know she loves them as if they are her own… She’s beyond a great teacher, she’s a phenomenal teacher…”

“LaShocka Thompson is dedicated to her students and goes above and beyond to give her students the tools that they will need to be successful in school and in their lives!”

“LaShocka Thompson is one of the few teachers that I can say loves what she does. When you find a teacher who’s caring, understanding, thoughtful and builds relationships with families, then you’ve found yourself a special teacher. Ms. Thompson is a winner in our book.”

“LaShocka Thompson is a phenomenal educator and exemplifies the qualities of an exceptional teacher. Her dedication to her students is unparalleled and is evident in her dedication to ensuring that all of her students are successful learners!”


Valerie Thompson, University High School, Irvine, CA

“Being a senior in high school, I have met a lot of teachers. I can honestly say none can compare to Valerie Thompson. She is a teacher of chemistry, which can be a very confusing subject to most. She makes every student eager to learn, and I can’ t think of a day I was ever bored in her class. She strives to be her best each day no matter what kind of day she is having. She is an amazing teacher that every kid feels blessed to have. She is more than a teacher though she is a mentor to her students and makes each one feel special in their own way. She gives kids hope for their futures. This teacher has immeasurable compassion, and a complete heart of gold. Valerie Thompson is the best of the best and I have never met a kinder person.”

“When it comes to being a great teacher, Ms. Thompson goes above and beyond this word… No matter what kind of day she is having, she gives it her all… Every office hours, Ms. Thompson’s room is packed as it always is because kids enjoy being in her atmosphere. Also, she helps kids the whole time and even during snack and lunch… Also, when it comes to kids stressing out about high school and getting straight A’s, I truly believe she is the best person to talk to. She teaches kids that getting good grades is a good thing, but it is not the only thing in life… one grade in a high school course does not define who we are as people and what our worth is. I have never met such a compassionate, loving person in my life. She made learning fun for me and many others… she taught me that everyone is special and important, including myself. If any student was having a problem at school or home, she was always there for them when they needed her… She has a complete heart of gold and puts her students before herself. I don’t think greatness as a teacher can truly be measured, but I know that Ms. Thompson has touched the hearts of all her students and I think that is greatness that not many acquire. When I think of Ms. Thompson, this quote describes her to me and others: Most of us have at least one person in our life that inspires us to achieve more than we thought possible. This person encourages us, gives us tools or just plain loves us unconditionally. This person becomes the ‘wind beneath our wings’ in a sense. Everyone needs others to bolster them, especially young people just learning who they are. These people, heroes to many, usually have no idea the hope they inspire in our hearts. They inspire because of who they are, not because they seek the title. -Anonymous.”

“Mrs. Thompson is the reason I go to school every day. Rarely does a teacher care as genuinely for her students as she. I know that without Mrs. Thompson’s love and support, I wouldn’t be where I am today. She resonates strength and beauty, and she has this wonderful way of making everyone feel special. As a teacher, she makes chemistry fun and accessible to all students, many of whom go on to AP Chemistry or college chemistry classes with ease thanks to her class. I’ve learned a lot from Mrs. Thompson both academically and emotionally. She’s an incredibly smart, loving, and beautiful person, and she’s the best teacher I’ve ever had.”

[i] CNN Money September 2011 Issue

[ii] Greatschools.com/NCES 2008-09