15 questions every good principal asks.

Summertime is a good time to evaluate your school.  What worked, what didn’t, what new changes to implement for the next school year? Here are 15 questions to think about...

School Reflections


Is enrollment up?

Is your student return ratio up?

What is the % of students attending college?

What percentage of your students are achieving your school’s curriculum standards?


Are teachers happy?

Are teachers getting the support from admin?

Are teachers happy with grading and paperwork?

Are your admissions process streamlined and easy for both parents and admission staff?


Are students happy coming to school?

Do you provide a non-threatening environment for students with anti-bullying awareness?

Are you developing the “whole child”?

Are parents happy with the school?


Is your support staff happy?

Is your school running efficiently?

Is your staff optimizing time & resources in their everyday tasks?

If you answered “NO” or “I DON’T KNOW” to any of these questions, here are some ideas to consider.

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  • July 5, 2018
  • Other

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