Case Studies and White Paper
Back-To-School registration is generally a hectic process for almost everyone involved from parents attempting to register their children to administrators desperately trying to collect and process all of the information. This is no exception at JEFCO, where on-site registration often leads to long lines of parents, excessive amounts of paperwork, and a seemingly chaotic experience for all parties involved.

Can Catholic Schools Find Their Footing in a World of Charters and Financial Burdens?
The Catholic Church worldwide is in the midst of a Catholic education boom, experiencing a 20% -28% growth
in enrollment amongst primary and secondary schools. But while there is significant growth worldwide, most
are aware of the many challenges eclipsing the vitality of Catholic schools in the U.S...
Unlocking the Power of Registration
Schools spend a lot of money on paper registration, and as enrollment increases, so does the cost of registration.
Yet this cost is "under the radar" of administrators. Most schools and districts have a difficult time answering such fundamental questions as: How much paper do we use for registration packets? What is our total cost per student for each packet? How much time does staff spend on registration procedures and data entry?
Grosse Point Public Schools Recoup Outstanding Fees and Fines with K-12 Online
Year after year, thick packets encompassing forms from a variety of departments were sent home in August for families to fill out and return. That information then had to be hand-typed into the school’s student information system, which sometimes took until March for the secretary to complete. An individual school could receive in upwards of 700 checks at the beginning of the year for gym uniforms, PTO donations, textbooks, etc., all of which had to be processed separately...
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